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The Church of England Safeguarding Children Policy ‘Protecting all God’s Children’, has as its first principle: “We are committed to the Safeguarding, care and nurture of the children within our church community”.

Within its Safeguarding Adults Policy ‘Promoting a Safe Church’, The Church of England’s first principle is: “We are committed to the respectful pastoral ministry of all adults within the church community”.

The Diocese of Truro wholeheartedly endorses these principles and wishes to provide support, advice and information to all those in its parishes who give of their time – both paid and voluntarily – to work with vulnerable adults and children.

Parish safeguarding co-ordinators

  • St Stephen’s and St Nicholas & St Faith: Len Maddock 01752 651855
  • Landrake: Sammy Russell 07455 404024. [email protected]
  • Botus Fleming: Pam Piper 01579 351399

Truro Diocese Safeguarding

Please use this link for questions or more information about safeguarding in our diocese: trurodiocese.org.uk/resources/safeguarding/


Click on this link: NSPCC  to find really accessible advice and guidance on many issues which affect young people today.