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Love God, Serve People, Make Disciples

Our Church Schools

Our Church Schools

There are two church schools in our area.

School Admissions

For school admissions, please send your supplementary forms to [email protected] by 15 December  to ensure there’s enough time to process everything. Only Revd Laura Bushell Hawke as Priest in Charge can sign these forms. 

For Bishop Cornish School

To meet the attendance criteria, you need to have attended Sunday worship at least once a month for a year. With effect from January 2025 attendance at other events like Messy Church will not be counted for the purposes of the supplementary forms. 

For Sir Robert Geffery’s School

Please refer to the school’s admissions policy for the definitions of the different levels of church membership. 

Bishop Cornish CofE VA Primary School

Address: Lynher Dr, Saltash PL12 4PA
Website: https://www.bishop-cornish.cornwall.sch.uk/web

"Our vision is to ensure that these foundations are securely laid, underpinned by Christian values and that the children in our care receive the very best education that they can. When children leave us, we want them to remember their years spent at Bishop Cornish with great love and affection."

Sir Robert Geffery's Primary School

Address: School Rd, Landrake, Saltash PL12 5EA
Website: https://www.sir-robert-gefferys.cornwall.sch.uk/

"Our children learn and show our school values of creation, forgiveness, trust, love, peace, thankfulness, service and friendship as they go about their learning each day, inside and outside of the classroom. We aim to create a living Christian school environment where we strive for each child to develop a passion for learning and a sense of excitement in their own achievement and that of others."