Love God, Serve People, Make Disciples
At the Church of St Michael’s Landrake on the 9 March 2024, the Revd Laura Bushell Hawke was licenced by the Bishop of St Germans and installed by the Archdeacon of Bodmin as Priest in Charge of Saltash and Landrake with St Erney and Botus Fleming and as Assistant Curate of the Tamar Valley Benefice.
The Rural Dean Rev Michael Johnson presented Rev Laura to Bishop Hugh for licencing and the Churchwardens of Landrake with St Erney, Saltash and Botus Fleming confirmed on behalf of their PCCs that they willingly assented to Rev Laura as their Priest in Charge. The Churchwardens of Landulph then responded separately on behalf of Landulph PCC in the Tamar Valley Benefice to welcome Rev Laura as their Assistant Curate.
The readings for the service - taken from Isaiah 43:15-21 and Ephesians 4:1-13 were given by the Rev Alan Butler, Isabella and Sebastian Hawke. The sermon was given by Bishop Hugh with the key phrase being “I love you, I forgive you, dinner is ready!”
The Bishop, Rev Laura, Ministers and Churchwardens then moved to the font and other places around the church in an act of rededication to the Ministry of Christ where symbols of Ministry were presented and shared.
After Oaths of Allegiance to King Charles and Canonical Obedience to the Bishop of Truro - Bishop Hugh licenced Rev Laura and Archdeacon Kelly Installed her by leading her to her seat.
Following the service a lovely buffet was served at the Sir Robert Geoffrey Memorial Hall.